111學年度CXW顧客體驗顧問工作坊 完美結案

生涯發展服務中心 (CARDO)
CARDO為協助學生提升自學力與提案企劃能力,與微拓 (beBit TECH) 數位策略顧問公司共同舉辦111學年度「顧客體驗顧問工作坊 (Customer Experience Workshop, CXW)」,透過 12週紮實課程與提案實踐計畫,培育學生學習以使用者為核心的User Centered Design (UCD) 方法論



IM Connected 2022 系友暨應屆畢業生聯誼餐會

臺大資管聯繫情誼的重要活動之一就是『IM Connected 2022臺大資管系友及應屆畢業生聯誼餐會』,提供畢業系友、應屆畢業生一個經驗分享、交流的重要管道。讓即將畢業的學弟妹當面向身經百戰的學長姐們請益,也能讓畢業許久的系友們與系上老師們敘舊。


2022年12月的第一周,台北正式進入東北季風的雨季,儘管外頭有雨,一點也抵擋不住GMBA學生們的運動熱情。 12月2-3日是台大第73屆全校運動會,今年有超過 30位 GMBA學生響應號召,一共報名 10 多項團體賽與個人賽。

GMBA ESG Investing Course Welcomes Students from Copenhagen Business School in An Influential Session by Professor Gideon Loewy

On 3rd December 2022, GMBA ESG Investing Course instructed by Professor Leon van Jaarsveldt welcomed Professor Gideon Loewy, Director of Scandinavian Designers, and students from Copenhagen Business School to join with National Taiwan University students.

GMBA Organization Behavior and Financial Reporting Courses’ Company Visit to Family Mart

GMBA students from the class Organization Behavior and Financial Reporting visited the logistics centers Family Mart, operated by RE-YI Distribution Service Co and Taiwan Distribution Center Co in Taoyuan Daxi on December 8.

GMBA Digital Trends and Management in Cloud Computing

The rapid development of digital and cloud computing technology enhances contemporary business. Therefore, GMBA sees the importance of introducing “Digital Trends and Management in Cloud Computing” to our GMBA students.

Marketing Proposal Competition with Taiwan SECOM Co., Ltd

This year's GMBA Marketing Class collaborated with SECOM Taiwan Co., Ltd, Taiwan's leading technology company, for a Marketing Proposal Competition. SECOM's business model is diverse, including technological innovation...

GMBA Thesis Proposal Competition

GMBA hosts a Thesis Proposal Competition for its students each year in order to encourage them to conduct research in innovative ways. The prizes are split into two categories: gold (up to NT$ 50,000) and silver (up to NT$ 40,000).

葉丙成、蘇文鈺翻轉教育 「打造不一樣的教育實驗」

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