
2023年亞太教育者年會Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE)為疫情後首次實體辦理,地點位於泰國曼谷詩麗吉皇后國家會議中心Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre(QSNCC)。

GMBA Students Gain Valuable Insights on Venture Capital and Emerging Technologies Trend from WI Harper Group and Alpha Ring Asia

On May 8 2023, GMBA students from Global Entrepreneurial Finance: Venture Capital and Private Equity class had the opportunity to directly engage with WI Harper Group (WIH), a pioneer cross-border venture capital firm founded in 1993.

GMBA Internship Info Session

On May 19th, in an effort to connect business students with attractive internship opportunities, GMBA collaborated with four start-up companies (FunNow, ARK, TurnCloud, and MoBagel) to host an internship info session event.

GMBA Career Workshop session 3

On May 12th, GMBA invited a special guest speaker, Alan McIvor, to deliver the third session of a series of career workshops. In this workshop, participants had the opportunity to gain insights into the Taiwan job market...

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臺大畢業典禮 GMBA學生白莎莎擔任國際生畢業代表


Winning Strategies of Taiwan/Asia Semiconductor Industry in Global Chip Contest and Future Challenges

On May 13 2023, GMBA students had the pleasure to listen to a talk by Mr Tony Chao, the Senior Director of ASML Taiwan. ASML, founded in 1984, currently has 32,000 employees across 60 locations worldwide.

GMBA & CHTI Proposal Competition Showcases Student Innovation in Smart Cities Projects

On 25th May was the CHTI proposal competition taking place. It was an exciting event focusing on allowing students to provide solutions to Chunghwa telecom in the smart cities projects.


The College of Management’s Exchange Student Pre-Departure Info Session was held on March 27, 2023. The event aims to prepare students for their study abroad experience and provide more information about the exchange program and different application processes and deadlines.

Creating Desire: The Use of Magic and Logic to Create Enduring Advertising

Prof. Shweta Pandey invited Mr. Kiran Ramamurthy, the Chief Operating Officer of MediaMonks, India, to share his insights and experiences during the Advertising & Marketing Communications class held on April 23, 2023.