NTU GMBA師生訪問Dcard總部
撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾、GMBA學生Elisabeth Kreitschmann
深受Z世代喜愛的Dcard是台灣最大的匿名交流平台,在Dcard上大家可以聊時政、聊愛情觀、聊吃喝玩樂、聊學習工作,總之可以無所不聊。GMBA學生會把握11月難能可貴的暖陽周日午後,與一群GMBA的師生一同來到這個台灣著名新創公司參訪。 在此要特別感謝R10 Peter Chang,運用他在新創界深厚的人脈,介紹Dcard執行長Kytu讓GMBA同學有機會進一步了解Dcard。

Group photo 大合照
首先,在參觀辦公環境之後,大家一致的評語是Dcard的辦公室開放明亮,甚至還配備員工夢寐以求的零食區(完全免費!)。另外,Dcard也提供定期更新的書報架,以及用 Dcard 的看板分類去命名會議室,譬如【災害回報室】、【美妝室】。員工進入辦公室時需改穿室內拖鞋,這個做法可以讓員工在進入工作場域後仍有像在家的舒適感。
當 Kytu 開始他的主題演講時,大家對於Dcard 的成立與版圖擴張的過程印象深刻,一點也不覺得枯燥無味。Kytu回憶起2014年他還是個大學生的時候,Dcard只是他的一個小計畫之一,然而經過8年的成長,如今Dcard已是一家擁有400名員工的公司。2022年,Dcard 被列為台灣第三大最具吸引力的雇主,僅次於谷歌和蘋果,這個排名甚至領先台灣的晶圓龍頭-台積電。 Kytu不認為今天Dcard能有這個排名,或達到這些成就是因為公司的福利好或是薪資優渥,所以湧入眾多優秀人才。他反而認為是Dcard一直在創造一個能讓員工一同成長學習的環境,導致更多優秀的員工被留任或被吸引到Dcard。
Dcard 知識小學堂:超過 95% 的 Dcard 用戶年齡層落在 18 至 24 歲之間,且經常使用的用戶數量高達250 萬。這與在台灣擁有 960 萬經常使用的用戶,且年齡層落在 25 至 34 歲之間的 Instagram 相比,身為本土App的Dcard能在國際主流的社交媒體領域找到自己的一片天,實屬不易。
Kytu 創立 Dcard 的最終目標是提升自己的技能與改善生活,並希望分擔家計,就在開始創業的頭幾個月吃了無數頓的泡麵之後,他終於意識到需要找到一個收入來源。於是開始學習寫程式、數位邏輯設計,並兼職打零工賺取外快。周末的時候,他和幾位同學窩在宿舍一起編寫 Dcard,很快地,宿舍再也無法容納下他們的團隊,Dcard也在Kytu畢業後成為他的全職工作。
Kytu謙稱自己是“新手 CEO”,並發現自己正面臨延攬合適人才的挑戰,在經歷無數次的失敗與“血淚教訓”之後,他才真正了解一個成功的團隊需要的是有熱情、多樣性和具有共同目標的成員。所以他決定為團隊引進OKRs【目標和關鍵成果】的管理方式,但它在最初曾遭到其他同仁的極大質疑,不過幸好最終結果是帶著他的公司走到了今日的成就。導入OKRs的管理方式,讓Kytu能訂定出更具評量結果又兼具挑戰性的目標,讓他能輕鬆追蹤計畫的進度,當Kytu明列出為達到目標所需完成的任務後,公司上下都能清楚了解這個目標訂定的理由,以及要如何去達成的方式。最後,Kytu 對 Dcard 的未來願景是希望能擴展到其他市場,為年輕族群增加更多新的服務。
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Student Council President Helen gave an opening remark 學生會會長Helen致感謝詞 | Dcard CEO gave presentation to GMBA students Dcard 執行長向GMBA師生介紹公司的發展歷程 |
NTU GMBA took a glimpse into Dcard
Written by GMBA student Elisabeth Kreitschmann
Loved by Gen Z, Dcard is the largest anonymous communication platform in Taiwan, to chat on current political affairs, love, food & drinking, entertainment, study and work, etc. On a sunny Sunday afternoon in late November GMBA Student Council held the last event of the year in collaboration with this famous Taiwanese startup. Special thanks to R10 Peter Chang, who pulled the resources and introduced Kytu, the CEO, giving GMBA students the chance to get to know more about Dcard.
Given a small tour of the office, one could only be surprised by the open and light space, equipped with a snack bar 7/11 could only dream of (free of charge!), a regularly updated bookshelf and conference rooms called after the Dcard forums like ‘Disaster report room’ and ‘Make up’ room. Entering the office taking shoes off and wearing slippers is a must, which only adds to the coziness one feels when entering.
However, when Kytu started his keynote, one couldn’t be any further from feeling sleepy and lazy as the impressive founding and expansion of Dcard was laid out before our eyes.
Dcard started as a small side project in Kytu’s undergrad days in 2014 to the 400 employees start-up it is today. In 2022, Dcard was listed as the third most attractive employer in Taiwan, right after Google and Apple and even before the Taiwanese industry giant TSMC. Kytu does not tie this success back to any benefits like more than average days of vacation or competitive salary, but for employees to be able to grow and learn with Dcard.
Dcard in numbers: more than 95% of Dcard users are within the age range of 18 to 24 with 2.5M of daily active users. Comparing this to Instagram, which has 9.6M daily active users in Taiwan mostly in the age range of 25 to 34, it is impressive to see how a local app can find its unique stance in the mostly internationally dominated Social Media space.
Kytu started Dcard with the ultimate goal to improve his own skills and living situation. After eating instant noodles for the first months of his studies, he realized he needed to find a source of income. He started to learn programming, digital design, taking small jobs on the side. During the weekends he would start coding Dcard with a few of his classmates, soon outgrowing the dorm and turning it into his full-time job after graduation.
He found himself in the challenging position of hiring the right people to be in his team, calling himself a ‘newbie CEO’. Through failure and ‘blood and tears’ he learned that a great team consists of passion, diversity and shared goals. He introduced OKRs to the team – objectives & key results, which was first met with great skepticism, but ultimately leading his company to the point where it is today. It helped him to set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results, allowing him to track progress, create alignment, and encourage engagement around measurable goals within the young company.
Kytu’s future vision for Dcard is to expand into other markets, add new services and tab into new age groups.
Thank you for giving us a glimpse into Dcard. We are excited for more collaborations in the future!