GMBA課程參訪: 中華電信衛星通信中心與海底電纜站
撰文者/ GMBA 陳依瑾、二年級Moupiya Ghosh
本學期台大GMBA與中華電信國際分公司一同合作選修課程PMPO (Practice of Managerial Planning & Organization) ,為此,張佳欽老師與鄭名道老師安排3月26日至中華電信公司參訪。一早,GMBA師生一行近20人自管院出發,目的地是其位於陽明山的國際衛星通信中心,以及宜蘭頭城的海底電纜站。頭城的海底電纜站是GMBA師生第一次拜訪,而陽明山上的通信中心則於去年五月已先參訪過。

Students listened carefully to CHT’s introduction學生們在台下仔細聆聽中華電信的介紹

Group photo at CHT’s Yangming Mountain campus在中華電信陽明山園區的大合照
GMBA company visit at Chunghwa Telecom:
International Satellite Communications Center & Submarine Cable Station
Written by GMBA student Moupiya Ghosh
On March 26th, 2021, NTU, GMBA students visited Chunghwa Telecom’s International Satellite Communications Center at Yangming mountain and Submarine Cable Station at Toucheng. Under Professor Chang and Professor Cheng’s arrangement, this is GMBA’s 2nd time visiting CHT’s Yangming mountain branch. But it is also the first time to visit their Submarine Cable station.

Introduction to the internship opportunities offered by CHT中華電信解說實習機會的相關細節
It was a full day program and students received warm welcome from CHT staffs when they reached their International Satellite Communications Center at Yangming mountain at 9.30 in the morning. The introduction session was quite informative, and students got plenty of information about CHT’s extensive services, beginning with telecommunication services in the early days and later expanded to international and domestic data services and now most recently CHT Satcom services including Maritime broadband Services and Smart Ship Services. Students had a wonderful Q/A session over coffee that gave students a chance to know CHT better.
After the information session when students were more familiar with CHT’s staffs, they offered a guided tour inside CHT’s Yangming mountain campus and their engineers explained everything carefully to meet student’s curiosity. That sunny morning students took plenty of photographs with beautiful Yangming mountain in the background.
After having genuinely nice lunch there, students started for CHT’s Submarine Cable Station, Toucheng and another interesting session began. CHT’s Submarine Cable Station representatives warmly welcomed us to the information session with cups of warm 金棗茶. This time also the session was remarkably interesting and informative for all students. They carefully explained the background of the Toucheng Cabe Station, gave students an overview of submarine cables, also described Cable System Construction and detailed Cable system maintenance. Students had lots of questions about the operations and systems and those questions got their answers with the guided visit at the Submarine Cable Station office.
Students also got lots of nice clicks there with the open ocean and Turtle Island in the background. After returning back to the meeting room, students were provided with internship opportunities with a direct contact window of CHT’s HR department. At the end after students had their refreshments, they started for Taipei NTU campus around 4.30.
A day well spent. Students were impressed to find how efficiently CHT is working and expanding in the broad variety of service dimension in Taiwan and internationally. Thanks to Professor Chang and Professor Cheng of PMPO and IMP programs for providing students such a wonderful experience and a big thanks to the course TA Mycah for all arrangements to provide full comfort to the students for a day long tour.

Group photo at CHT’s submarine cable station在中華電信海底電纜站的大合照