撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾、二年級Ponlawat Tongklang
經過漫長的暑假,GMBA 全體師生於 2021 年 10 月 2 日星期六的晚上在 Redpoint Brewing Co.所舉辦的歡迎返校派對上再度重聚。這是一個讓GMBA校友、在校生和老師們有機會認識彼此的好時機,尤其是對新生,這更是幫助他們盡快熟悉新環境的絕佳機會。活動中,大家分享了暑假期間的生活與冒險,新生和學長姐交流開學兩周以來的各種精彩體驗。
大合照 Group photo
在Redpoint Brewing Co.提供的多種美式美味小吃和各種精釀啤酒的助攻下,整場聚會變得更加有趣和歡樂,也滿足了在場的每個人的胃與心。餐廳裡滿是熱烈的交談與舒心的樂聲,許久不見的校友們非常開心遇到老朋友,也很高興能結識更多新朋友。二三年級的學長姐也很興奮見到一年級的新生,並與畢業多年的校友殷切互動,為這學期建立一個好的開始。
最後,要特別感謝共同主辦歡迎返校派對的GMBA 辦公室和 GMBA 學生會,感謝他們舉辦了這次令人印象深刻的活動,強化GMBA全體師生的連結與和諧,即使在疫情稍見趨緩的時候,所有參與者都仍遵守防疫規定,全程戴上口罩。
Welcome Back Party Fall 2021
After a long summer break our GMBAers regathered on Saturday evening of October 2, 2021 at Redpoint Brewing Co., in Welcome Back party. It was the awesome time for GMBA Alumni, current students, and new batch people to have an opportunity to get to know each other, especially, new students, to helps them get familiar with their new home. At the event, everyone shared their joyful life adventure during summer break, as well as available to exchange a variety of their stunning experiences on the beginning of semester to new and returning students to campus.
At Redpoint Brewing Co., several types of American tasty snack and variety of craft Beer fulfilled our fun and jolly atmosphere. It ran in the way of great food and fun for everyone. The restaurant was loud by the sound of lively conversations of us and music grooving. The Alumni very enjoyed with meeting old friends and new people. While the current students were also excited from interacting with new talent friends and successful alumni. This is the good starting point of us in first semester of year 2021.
Last but not least, special thanks go to the host welcome back event, GMBA office and GMBA student council those making this impressive event. It is very enhancing our NTU GMBA harmony and networking to be more and more strengthen. However, all participants were followed the restriction of COVID-19 Regulation against COVID-19 exposure during the event.
(Written By GMBA student Ponlawat Tongklang)