撰文者/中英文: GMBA 辦公室
台大GMBA執行長Audrey Hsu教授、GMBA專聘外籍教授Leon van Jaarsveldt 於8月17日下午前往瓜地馬拉共和國駐中華民國(台灣)大使館,一同拜見Gómez大使。

Ambassador Gómez is explaining the history of Marimba, the Guatemalan music instrument.
- Gómez大使同意受邀於 9 月 13 日所舉行的 GMBA 畢業典禮上向我們的學生發表演講,儘管當天恰好是瓜地馬拉共和國慶祝建國二百週年的國慶典禮,Gómez大使將以遠端視訊的方式加入。
- Gómez 大使肯定與台大GMBA的合作夥伴關係,未來將積極引薦優秀的瓜地馬拉本土公司予GMBA,其中包括蒞校演講嘉賓與開發課程的研究案例等等。此番合作的面向著重在幾個層次:
- 引薦在瓜地馬拉國內推動數位化有卓越發展的公司,特別是一些努力使瓜地馬拉轉型成中南美洲的客戶管理服務的區域中心的公司。
- 另外也引薦在瓜地馬拉國內蓬勃發展的製糖行業,與實踐 CSR 和 ESG 的領先公司。
- 近期GMBA計劃舉辦一場關於瓜地馬拉的商業文化、領導力和激勵的專題演講,此演講活動為GMBA必修課Organizational Behaviour的一部分,預計安排在 12 月,詳細日期和時間有待討論。Gómez大使和瓜地馬拉的公司代表將親自參加此次演講,屆時也將開放給所有 GMBA 學生聆聽演講。
- 從長遠的角度來看,GMBA會與瓜地馬拉商學院展開合作夥伴關係,並於未來開發兩校合作的虛擬課程。
A fruitful dialogue with Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala:
Planned collaboration between NTU GMBA and Guatemala.
On August 17, Director Audrey Hsu, and Professor Leon van Jaarsveldt had the pleasure of meeting with Ambassador Gómez of the Republic of Guatemala in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
We had a fruitful dialogue with Ambassador Gómez, and we were able to agree on several points of cooperation:
- Ambassador Gómez has graciously agreed to address our students at the GMBA Graduation Ceremony on September 13. As the Republic of Guatemala is celebrating its Bicentennial, Ambassador Gómez will be joining us remotely.
- We have also formed a partnership with Ambassador Gómez to introduce excellent Guatemala companies to GMBA. This includes inviting Guest Speakers and developing case studies.
- The invited companies will represent Guatemala’s digitization successes, especially in its extended efforts to becoming a regional hub for Customer Management Service Centers.
- Companies will also include leading companies in CSR and ESG practices from the especially its booming sugar mill industry.
- Initially, we plan to have a talk on Business Culture, Leadership and Motivation in Guatemala as part of the Organizational Behaviour class, provisionally scheduled for December with the date and time to be confirmed. This talk will be participated in by Ambassador Gómez and a Guatemala company leader. This talk will be open to all students of GMBA.
- In the long term, we will also work with to develop partnerships with Guatemala Business Schools. This partnership will initially focus on developing joint virtual class sessions.
We look forward to growing this partnership with Ambassador Gómez and the Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala and look forward to announcing more news on cooperation in the near future.