GMBA YCM優克美公司參訪



上學期GMBA第一次舉辦【2021 YCM商業提案競賽】即收到來自台大各院系所眾多學生組隊報名參加,為了讓這些學生獲得更多關於YCM的第一手資訊,同時深入了解此公司的產品與定位,4月28日由GMBA的張佳欽老師帶領企業參訪團,一行人浩浩蕩蕩從台北前往總部設在彰化的YCM優克美公司。YCM是一家台灣本土企業,致力於提供各式各樣具創新性的防霉產品,總部並配有實驗室與數據收集中心,擁有相當強大的研發能力。

Before starting company visit, have lunch first!  參訪公司之前先餵飽肚子 The anti-mold technology is new to many students and they are enthusiastic in exploring this field  許多同學第一次接觸防霉技術  很認真探索

由於一早便從台北出發,抵達彰化時已是午餐時間,於是參訪團先在園區附近的餐廳享用午餐。一到達YCM,所有的學生便被分成A B兩組,開始一系列的參觀行程。 YCM的工作人員向第一次來訪的學生耐心地介紹了YCM的產品和服務、公司願景與使命。


這次的企業參訪最主要的目的之一是將台大學生與YCM串連起來,讓彼此面對面分享見解並充分討論商業提案競賽中的每個主題。透過此次的商業提案競賽,GMBA希望能幫助學生將他們在學校所學到的知識應用於商業環境中,並為 YCM 提供有價值與具建設性的參考方案。

美好的時光總是很快的就過去,在QA問答與張老師的快速總結之後,學生們告別了YCM驅車北返。 這趟參訪之旅對學生來說是一次富有成效的學習經歷,謝謝YCM,也謝謝GMBA的張佳欽老師!

During the Q&A, students were asking many questions 學生非常踴躍提問


YCM 優克美 Company Visit Trip

Last semester, GMBA held the 【2021 YCM Business Proposal Competition】 for the first time, and received many students from various departments of National Taiwan University to sign up for the participation. To help these students in getting more first-hand information about YCM and understand the company thoroughly, a company visit trip led by GMBA Professor Charles Chang departed from Taipei to Changhua on the early morning of April 28th. They were heading to YCM, a local Taiwanese company which dedicates to provide a various of anti-mold products. The headquarter of YCM is equipped with an advanced laboratory and a data collection center. YCM is also a company which is strong at its R&D capabilities and innovation.

Since they departed from Taipei in the early morning, it was about lunch time when arrived in Changhua. Therefore, the first stop is to have lunch at a restaurant near YCM. Upon arrival at YCM, all students were divided into two groups, and a series of visits began. The staffs of YCM patiently introduced its products and services, showed company’s vision and mission to the students who were visiting for the first time.

After that, the students visited YCM’s innovation and R&D center, from the mold ecology room, laboratory, to the mold culture room that simulates the environment of the shoe factory. The whole program was very tight but informative. The anti-mold technology specialized by YCM is new to many students, and everyone is enthusiastic in exploring and learning this new field. The students took the Q&A time to ask many questions to other participants and the YCM company. Everyone shared his/her different opinions with each other through discussion.

One of the main purposes of this company visit is to connect National Taiwan University students with YCM and create a chance for them to share their insights face-to-face. It is also a good timing for the students to discuss with YCM directly about the topics given in the business proposal competition. Through this business proposal competition, GMBA hopes to help students apply the knowledge they have learned in school to a business environment and at the same time, to provide YCM with valuable solutions for reference.

The precious time always pass quickly. After Q&A and the quick summary given by Prof. Charles, the students were heading back home. This visit is a fruitful learning experience indeed. Thank you YCM, and thank you Prof. Charles from GMBA!

(Written by Roslyn Chien, GMBA student)

Prof. Charles made a summary for today’s visit 張佳欽老師對今天的參訪做總結 Group photo 全體大合照