GMBA Connect 線上座談會
撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾、一年級Elisabeth Kreitschmann
因疫情關係,GMBA 學生會於5月28日所舉辦的GMBA Connect座談會改為線上,然而GMBA Connect的初衷是希望把GMBA學生與校友緊密聯繫起來,以協助拓展人脈網絡,並未因疫情而減損。

線上座談會大合照 Group photo of the online session
學生會邀請到五位GMBA校友,請他們與大家分享關於新冠肺炎的全球大流行對他們的行業所帶來的影響。擔任這次線上座談會的主持人是GMBA學生Annie Kuo,透過他流暢的帶領,讓所有人都沉浸在討論各個產業的展望與挑戰。Helen Sun(學生會會長)和Edward Wang(校友會會長)對與會者表示歡迎,並對分享經驗的校友們表示感謝,兩位會長都有一致的共識,就是希望將校友與在校生串聯起來,使GMBA的品牌走入更光明的未來。
Jessica Sun(GMBA和EMBA校友)第一個進行分享,他講述了她在Sungreat General Supply CO., LTD擔任副總裁的情況,以及Covid如何改變她的工作方式,主要是如何通過市場與行銷手法去接觸到客戶。在Covid開始後,客戶全由實體轉移到線上,所以她透過參加各種線上會議,以更準確瞭解主要市場的客戶需求,因爲他知道短期內很難親自到這些國家拜訪客戶。她也相信接下來的商業模式仍將保持這種混合形態,即線上與客戶聯繫,同時也線下與他們互動見面,因爲這是建立起信任關係的最重要環節。
Tina Lin是我們R09屆的同學,她負責主講臺灣的飯店業。Tina主修外國文學,在飯店業已有7年的工作經驗。大部分來臺灣的遊客多屬商務旅行,因此許多飯店在Covid期間受到很大影響,收入下降了近90%。然而該行業卻能迅速自我調整並提供不同類型的套餐來吸引顧客。今天,由於臺灣還沒有完全取消隔離限制,因此未來仍有許多不確定性。
Ivan Liu在3People Educational Technology Group(一家提供考試服務的公司)工作,他本身擁有心理學的教育背景,他詳細分析私人教育事業在Covid期間遭受到多嚴重的打擊。由於現在許多教育機構紛紛轉為線上學習,導致競爭更加白熱化,因爲人們可以有更多選擇機會,甚至是國外的學習機會。3PeopleEducational Technology Group能夠生存下來,在於他們專注在服務的多樣化與靈活度。他的公司的目標不僅是要成為最大的教育機構,還要能從變化多端的疫情中尋求獲益與適應新的局勢。
Caroline Chiu,目前是Horng Lin Construction的執行管理助理,他向大家介紹臺灣的房地產市場,以及如何能在這個行業建立誠信,還有仰賴人脈的重要性。Caroline分析臺北的房屋市場,解密新冠肺炎與房價攀升的關係,以及在後新冠肺炎,全世界的房價依然會持續上漲的主要因素。
最後,具有體育、娛樂和奢侈品背景的Elton Chen向聽衆介紹甚麼是NFT(非同質化代幣),以及它會如何繼續成爲未來支付方式的首選。目前,他正在爲臺北的Breeze Center 建立一個NFT支付系統。
非常感謝這次來到GMBA Connect的校友講者,你們的分享令人難忘且極具啟發。對GMBA的在校生來說,無疑是一個瞭解臺灣各行各業的大好機會。校友講者們最後對想在進入這些行業發展的學生提出以下建議【熟悉你現在想跨入的行業,但最重要的是努力工作,並滿懷激情地追尋你的夢想】。
GMBA Connect online session
Connecting students of GMBA and alumni to support individuals in building a network – that was the goal of the GMBA Connect event May 28th.
Five GMBA alumni joined to throw light on how the global pandemic impacts the industry they work in. Annie Kuo, wonderful moderator of the event and GMBA R10 classmate led participants through the event. Helen Sun (R10 Student Council president) and Edward Wang (Alumni Association president) welcomed participants, expressing their gratitude towards the presenters and how connecting alumni and current students will move the GMBA brand towards an even brighter future.

Covid帶來的影響 The impact brought by Covid
Jessica Sun (GMBA and EMBA alumni) was the first to present, talking about her role of Vice President at Sungreat General Supply CO., LTD and how COVID changed her ways of working, mainly in how she is reaching out to customers via marketing and sales. A lot of the customer touch points moved online. She is joining online webinars to understand the target market better, because she can no longer travel to those countries. She believes in the future international Sales will stay in a hybrid format, connecting to customers online, but also meeting them in person, as this is key to establishing a trusted relationship.
Tina Lin, our R09 classmate, introduced us to the hospitality industry in Taiwan. She majored in foreign literature and has 7 years of working experience in the hospitality industry. A majority of Taiwan visitors are business travelers, so consequently many hotels suffer greatly during COVID, being hit by an almost 90% of revenue drop. The industry adapted quickly and offered different types of packages to attract customers. Today, the future is still unsure, as Taiwan hasn’t fully lifted its restrictions yet.
Ivan Liu is working for 3People Educational Technology Group (an exam service provider) with an educational background in Psychology, explaining how the private education industry has been damaged by COVID. Due to the fact that education is now online, competition increased as a result as people can choose from many different schools, even internationally. 3People Educational Technology Group was able to survive as they focused on diversification of their services and being flexible. The goal is not to only be strong, but to benefit from change and adapt to the new situation.
Caroline Chiu, now Executive Management Assistant of Horng Lin Construction introduced the audience to the Taiwan real estate market, talking about the importance of building trust and relying on personal relationships in her industry. Caroline broke down the Taipei housing market, analyzed how the pandemic accelerated the housing prices and will continue to increase worldwide even post-pandemic.
Last but not least Elton Chen, with a background in sports, entertainment and luxury introduced the audience to the world of NFT (non-fungible token, individual tokens with valuable information stored in them) and how it will continue to be established as a payment solution of choice. Currently he is working on establishing an NFT payments system for the Breeze Center in Taipei.
Many thanks to all speakers who made this event memorable. It was a great opportunity for current GMBA students to learn about various industries in Taiwan. The speaker’s final advice for GMBA students, who want to pursue a role in those industries, was the following : get familiar with the industries you want to work in now, but most importantly work hard and follow your dream with passion.