GMBA師生一同參加2021 台大校園馬拉松
撰文者/GMBA 陳依瑾、一年級Lorenzo Miguel Galura Ramos

Group photo with GMBA students and Director GMBA學生與執行長許文馨老師合照

The true GMBA speedster GMBA的最速閃電俠
接著,大會要求比賽選手到起跑點集合,待起跑槍聲響起,每個人都邁開步伐往前跑!此時,腎上腺素開始狂飆,因為人們看到其他人正奮力向前衝,不由得加快自己的速度。 GMBA跑步隊的Jan-Philipp Barnikau跑出今日最佳成績,僅用了25分鐘就完成5公里的距離。更令人驚訝的是, GMBA跑步隊的其他隊員都在不到50分鐘的時間內順利完賽。真是所謂的GMBA Speedster (GMBA的閃電俠)!

Yes, I am back輕輕鬆鬆跑回終點
2021 NTU Campus Running: GMBA students run as a group
Written by GMBA student Lorenzo Miguel Galura Ramos
Waking up early on a Saturday morning is not always easy, as most would prefer to sleep in and begin their weekends relaxing after a long and tiring week. Luckily, this did not stop our active GMAB-ers from getting up and supporting the 2021 National Taiwan University Marathon on March 27, 2021.

The very first NTU running for GMBA Director 許文馨執行長的台大校園馬拉松初體驗
The GMBA running group consisting of students, alumni, and staff members, led by Director Audrey Hsu, joined 2000 other participants in completing a 5K run around the NTU grounds. Despite the early meet up time and the grueling heat that day, the GMBA delegation put on their best running faces and were eager to post their best possible time on the track.
Before anything else, the event organizers made sure that everyone physically and mentally prepared for what lied ahead. The NTU organizers led all the participants in performing some aerobic exercises and stretches to ensure that everyone was loose and properly warmed up before the big race. The dynamic movements coupled with the fast-paced music really got the crowd pumped up and ready to go.

Group photo at the finish line在終點線的大合照
The racers were then asked to gather at the starting point shorty after. As soon as the buzzer sounded, everyone was off to the races! Adrenaline kicked in early for most as people were seen going all out at the start of the race. GMBA’s own Jan-Philipp Barnikau led the group as its top finisher posting an impressive time of just 25 minutes around the whole trail. It was even more surprising to find out that everyone in the GMBA running group finished in under 50 minutes. Truly an impressive showing from the GMBA speedsters!
To end the day, Director Audrey Hsu and the GMBA office hosted a nice brunch for all the GMBA participants. It was a nice way to relax, catch up, and refuel after a long and tiring morning. Thank you to the GMBA community for exemplifying the true spirit of camaraderie and promoting healthy competition within our family!

Enjoy delicious brunch together after hard running in the early Saturday morning 週六早起跑步之後的獎賞就是一起享用美味的早午餐