

撰文者/GMBA一年級潘奇庭Keerati Phadungkit

臺大校運會又到了!今年的校運會選在11/20(五)、11/21(六)兩天舉辦。除了參與各項運動競賽外,來自全校11個學院的教職員、學生及校友,都起了個大早一同參加校運會的開幕典禮。首先,由運動員繞場揭開今天的序幕, GMBA學生也跟著管院團隊沿著操場跑前進,一路上高聲大喊「GMBA!GMBA!GMBA!」配上搖動手中製造音效的寶特瓶,興奮之情洋溢在每個人的臉上。接著是參加各種校際運動競賽的台大校隊選手的頒獎典禮,這群在舞台上接受大家恭賀的選手們,正能夠證明台大學生個個允文允武。兩天活動期間,台大的學生們展現驚人的體力與運動家精神,整個校園也洋溢著歡樂的氣氛,尤其是從我們GMBA學生與教職員身上更能感受到。「這次活動讓我想起了高中的運動會,我已經很久沒有感受到在運動會中與同學們一起競賽、慶祝的激動心情,而這使我快樂得不得了。」參加活動的GMBA一年級同學——Tana 說道。

Group photo大合照 Marching around the sports field with the GMBA flag  一起拿著GMBA旗子餐與開幕繞場

NTU Sports Day: what a joyful and unforgettable event!

written by GMBA student Keerati Phadungkit

National Taiwan University Sports Day was back again! This year 2020, the event was held on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st of November. Aside from participating in competitions, our staff, students, and alumni from all colleges and departments joined the opening ceremony in the early Friday morning. The event started by marching around our sports field. “GMBA! GMBA! GMBA!…,” we chanted together with a smile and laughter. Then there was a celebration for our NTU students who won competitions in the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. It showed that our students’ remarkable skill at sports as well as academics. There were many impressive performances from students during the ceremony. The atmosphere was full of joy and happiness, especially from our GMBA students and staff. “The NTU Sports Day flashes back to my high school memory on such event. I had forgotten what it feels like to be part of a sports competition and celebration, and I am feeling overwhelmed that we all are having so much fun,” said Tana, one of our GMBA first year students that participated in the event.

Having fun on the Bouncy Castle 現場的充氣城堡很有趣 CoM’s Faculty and staffs were participating the fun game 參加趣味競賽的管院教職員