

撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾、GMBA學生Ansem Chai, Elisabeth Kreitschmann

2022年12月的第一周,台北正式進入東北季風的雨季,儘管外頭有雨,一點也抵擋不住GMBA學生們的運動熱情。 12月2-3日是台大第73屆全校運動會,今年有超過 30位 GMBA學生響應號召,一共報名 10 多項團體賽與個人賽。因天候關係,開幕式改在室內體育館舉行, GMBA學生與代表GMBA精神的旗幟一同在場上參與開幕。隨後,學生轉往運動場,為他們的MVP,日本同學的Yoshimasa加油打氣。 Yoshimasa報名男學生組100公尺的比賽,在他抵達終點線的瞬間,GMBA學生Nicho精確捕捉到他臉上自信洋溢的笑容。

Flying Yoshi reaches the finish line 飛毛腿Yoshimasa抵達終點 Female relay team 女子組接力賽成員

今年的GMBA女學生組非常出色,總共報名三項接力比賽,分別是1200公尺大隊接力、1600公尺與400公尺四人接力。 比賽的前三週,女選手們開始一連串的集訓,安排棒次、練習接棒、培養默契,一切從基本功練起,也因此讓他們在場上的表現默契十足,獲得許多裁判的好評。400公尺的男學生四人接力也很認真,為在比賽中取得佳績,他們於三週前開始集訓。 比賽當天,隊員提前1小時到場暖身,不只確保自身處於最佳狀態,也為其他參賽選手加油打氣。此外, GMBA學生Sharon作為全校女學生領跑者之一,報名5000公尺的個人賽,並以22分鐘的優異成績為GMBA贏得一面銀牌。



Male relay team 男子組接力賽成員 Flying Sharon goes for 5000m  飛毛腿Sharon挑戰5000公尺成功


Written by GMBA students Ansem Chai and Elisabeth Kreitschmann

The first week of December 2022, Taipei has entered into winter session and it was raining but these won’t stop the sportsmanship of GMBA’s students. At December 2nd and 3rd, NTU has its 73th Sports Day. Over 30 GMBAer get motivated and registered more than 10 competitions.

In begin the opening ceremony, a team of GMBAer line up together to represent the flag of GMBA. After that, they moved to the sports filed and cheer up for their MVP – Yoshi. Yoshi ran on the lane 6 of 100m Male individual running. He has a confidence smile on face, and was captured the moment while flying across the finish line.

This shows our collaboration spirit 團結力量大 Fun game team 趣味競賽成員

Beside that, this year the GMBA female team is very impressive because they signed up for 3 relay competitions, included 12 x 100m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 100m relay respectively. Three weeks before the race, they meet up together for try out and decide the running order. They are well organized and even get compliment by the host for their team spirit and passion during the relay.

Same story for our 4 x 100m male relay, they trained very hard and serious for the race. During the race, they came 1 hours early for doing stretching to ensure they in the best condition.

Beside the relay, Sharon being the leader of all GMBA’s female runner, she participated the 5000m individual running. She achieved a magnificent result of 22 mins and won the 1st silver medal for GMBA.

The second day, sun finally showed up and it was a lot of fun for everyone. Many GMBA students have signed up for all the carnival competitions. The first game is called ball shooting and everyone has no idea on how it work until saw the example. The rule is one teammate holding a long pole with a basket on top and standing in the middle for others to throwing balls into the basket. It’s kind a funny because En Vi, the GMBA student, as the pole master, he needs to wear a helmet and head facing down to prevent hit by the ball that miss out into basket. All of the students are enjoying the games and being creative on how to win.

The sports day started on rainy day but ended with a magnificent result for GMBA: a 3rd prize of Athletic Spiritual Championship was granted to GMBA program! Thanks to the team spirit and effort of all GMBA’s athletes. Beside their efforts, the GMBA sport team would like to thank to Office in sponsoring all the needs during the 3 weeks training sessions.

In conclusion, GMBA’s students are having fun and joy for participating the sports day. They are looking forward to the next sports event to build up the team spirit and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

A very first trophy for GMBA 破天荒第一座獎盃