撰文者/GMBA 陳依瑾、二年級黃增耀Peeranat Bunruangthaworn

The badminton coach introducing some basic moves to students.羽球教練向學生們介紹一些基本動作

Students listening closely to the coach’s instructions.學生們專注地聽教練的指導
GMBA Badminton Club starts to play
Written by GMBA student Peeranat Bunruangthaworn
For the first time in GMBA’s history, the badminton club was established in the 2021 spring semester. Sincerely thank you to the recently elected GMBA student council for making this event possible.

Having fun playing badminton.學生們在球場上開心打羽毛球
The club’s activities are generally organised once (or twice) a week during weekdays depending either on the availability of members or courts. At the end of each session, members would be given an opportunity to vote for the time slot in order for the club organiser to make a decision on the following gathering. Given such convenience as well as flexibility, GMBA students do not need to worry about missing out the opportunity to join the club’s activities.

A great time connecting with each other.學生們開心地透過羽球社與彼此互動、認識
As students may neither be enrolled in the same class nor spend sufficient time with their classmates, joining and/or participating in a badminton club would be considered as one of the excellent options for GMBA family gathering. To ensure a full involvement from members, a club would from time to time invite a badminton coach for the newbies. “Badminton is a sport that is enjoyed all around the world by millions of people of a wide range of ages. It is a sport that explores speed changes, reaction time demands, muscular strength and endurance challenges, and is heart-pumping fun. [1] In the course of playing badminton, not only members get to work out but also joining a club is a means for members to spend time with the GMBA family.
GMBA students are highly encouraged to become a part of the club so that we can together become physically and mentally strengthened. Provided the receipt of overwhelmingly positive feedbacks, the club may consider hosting badminton tournaments in the near future.

Group photo團體大合照