


112 學年度下學期的文化一日遊,經承辦人的精心安排,我們與管院交換生一同前往了三峽老街,由導遊帶領體驗了藍染、豆製所、祖師廟,並在行程的最後開放大家自由探索老街。

個人覺得很輕鬆也很有趣!因為這天不僅和交換生聊天的好機會,還可以和工作夥伴們享受輕旅遊,聊聊工作之外的話題。當天交到了好幾個交換生和 Buddy 朋友,迎新時來不及交流、culture day 便是一個很棒的、可以深入話題的時間點。分享一件有趣的事,在逛老街時,剛好與一位美國交換生一起排隊買豬血糕,聊了十分鐘才發現,對方就是常常用 LINE 問問題的、我分配到的 Buddy,我們兩個人都覺得又驚訝又好笑,也因為這個小插曲變成朋友了,對方說豬血糕好吃,但在一旁的另一位法國交換生深深地皺起眉頭說 no,看不同國家交換生之間的交流也非常有趣。

旅程中最喜歡的部分,也是最意想不到的部分是當天剛好有元宵節活動,祖師廟前搭建了很大的棚子、放很大聲的音樂還有很多不同年齡層的人上去跳舞,一開始交換生都有點驚呆了(老實說我們也是,真的台灣味濃濃),但在適應過後,有幾個人開始跟著唱或跟著搖擺,非常可愛!另一件可愛的事情是,還有一位法國人說她想品嘗看看台灣的 Croissant,指的是三峽的金牛角麵包,最後走散了不知道她有沒有吃到,希望她喜歡!

以上是本次 day trip 的心得分享,謝謝承辦人用心的組織活動,大家都玩得很開心,推薦有興趣出去玩、練英文口說的管理學院同學們來參加 Buddy Program 喔!


Spring 2024 NTU CoM Exchange Student One-Day Culture Trip

One-day culture day trip was a delightful excursion to Sanxia Old Street with exchange students from the College of Management. The schedule included indigo dyeing, soymilk, and a visit to the Zushi Temple. The day ended with free time for everyone to explore the old street.

It was a relaxed and enjoyable day, providing a great chance to chat with exchange students and connect with colleagues outside of work. A funny coincidence happened when I realized the person, I was chatting with in line for Zhu xie gao was actually my assigned Buddy, someone I had only communicated with through LINE before. It was a surprising coincidence that turned us into friends.

A highlight of the trip was stumbling upon a Lantern Festival celebration at the Zushi Temple. There were a large tent, loud music, and people of all ages dancing. Initially, both exchange students and locals were a bit surprised (to be honest, so were we), but after adapting, some started singing and swaying along – it was adorable! Another cute moment was a French student expressing a desire to taste Taiwanese croissants, referring to the famous “Golden Ox Horn” pastries in Sanxia. We lost track of her later, but we hope she enjoyed it!

In conclusion, the day trip was a well-organized and enjoyable experience. Thanks to the event coordinator’s meticulous planning, everyone had a great time. I highly recommend the Buddy Program for College of Management students interested in exploring, having fun, and practicing English with foreigners.