開學新氣象: GMBA Welcome Back Party Spring 2021
撰文者/GMBA 陳依瑾、一年級Lorenzo Miguel Galura Ramos
隨著春天的到來,新學期也剛順利展開,GMBA學生會與GMBA辦公室一同在「紅點桌邊飲」合辦109-2學期的Welcome Back Party。

Group photo活動大合照
3月7日當晚, GMBA的師長、學生、校友、EiMBA的好同學與好朋友們陸續前來,將「紅點桌邊飲」擠得水泄不通。GMBA執行長許文馨教授與行政團隊也都出席了本次的聚會,在場的每個人猶如一個大家庭裡的家人般相互問候道好。
為了增加派對的樂趣與氣氛,主持人邀請大家一起玩GMBA Bingo,每位參與者拿著填上自己名字的紙,開始四處訪問同學、朋友,了解他們的特殊才華或興趣是否吻合自己紙上所列的,藉此增加更多聊天話題,拉近彼此距離。我想大家都非常同意GMBA Bingo絕對是當晚最熱絡的活動之一。

Taking a photo with Director Audrey Hsu學生們與GMBA執行長許文馨教授拍照留念
在結束這個歡樂的夜晚之前,學生會會長Liv Chen向大家介紹今年的學生會團隊,並再次感謝所有人的支持與參與。GMBA的執行長許文馨教授也特別感謝到場的每一位,謝謝他們持續地奉獻與支持,讓我們的GMBA與各項活動都能圓滿成功。今晚的Welcome Back Party就在美食佳餚與傳統的大合照之中畫下句點。所有參與者都是帶著飽飽的肚子、大大的笑容以及滿滿美好的回憶離去。
Welcome Back Party確實是一個開啟新學期的絕佳方法,我們也衷心期待未來學生會能籌辦更多有趣的活動。為GMBA乾杯吧!
GMBA Welcome Back Party Spring 2021
Written by GMBA student Lorenzo Miguel Galura Ramos
The GMBA Student Council, in partnership with the GMBA Office, hosted the Spring 2021 Welcome Back Party at the Redpoint Brewing Co. Taproom on March 7, 2021.

Connecting with one another during the party學生在派對上與許久未見的朋友們聊天、聯絡
GMBA students, alumni, and friends from other programs packed the venue to kick-off the start of the Spring Semester. Program Director Audrey Hsu and other members of the GMBA office also graced the festivities to celebrate together as one big GMBA community.
It was a fun-filled evening with delicious food, free-flowing drinks, and lots of laughter and stories to go around. Everyone was obviously happy to see each other again and catch up after the long Chinese New Year Holiday. The guests partook of tasty finger foods such as buffalo wings, potato skins, sandwiches, a super moist triple stout chocolate cake, and some ice cold draft beer.
To add to the fun and festivities, the guests played a round of GMBA Bingo! Each participant filled up sheets with names of their fellow GMBA-ers to find the right match for certain character traits and skills indicated. The GMBA Bingo was a lively ice-breaker and a great way to know more about one another.
A total of almost 80 guests and participants livened up the bar with laughter and animated conversations throughout the evening. Current students hopped from table to table to re-connect with old friends and make new ones. The GMBA Alumni in attendance were more than happy to share their experiences and give useful tips on how to “survive” the upcoming semesters and gain the most out of the GMBA journey.
Towards the end of the night, Student Council President Liv Chen introduced the Council members to the rest of the community and thanked everyone for their support and presence. GMBA Program Director Audrey Hsu also addressed the guests and thanked them for continuously contributing to the success of the program. The night was capped off with more food and drinks, endless selfies, and the traditional group photo. All attendees certainly went home with full stomachs, wide smiles and cheerful memories of the night’s events.
It was indeed a great way to start the new semester and we look forward to many more events and fellowships in the months to come. Cheers to GMBA!

A toast for a brand new semester.學生們舉杯為新學期的開始而歡呼