

撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾 、GMBA學生Andrea Dee

2023年3月31日,Dr. Eduardo Ong博士率領一群菲律賓工商管理學院(PSBA)國際企業碩士學程訪賓,師生共9人蒞校參訪,並與GMBA進行交流。PSBA是菲律賓一所私立學術機構,專門提供商業教育課程。此次參訪的主要目的是讓師生了解台灣的經濟發展,以在台尋找創業的契機。

此次活動是由GMBA的三位菲律賓學生與辦公室一同籌畫接待,包括一年級的Andrea Dee、二年級的Lambert Lauengco和Natasha Li。活動一開始,GMBA的兩位教授: Charles Chang和Leon van Jaarsveldt先後上台向前來參訪的菲律賓訪賓表示歡迎,接著由GMBA學生 Lambert與GMBA校友,同樣也是菲律賓籍的Jan Mikhail Tiu上台簡報。內容涵蓋目前台灣的經濟發展趨勢,以及Jan Mikhail Tiu自GMBA畢業後在台灣的工作經驗,他特別分享在工作職場上與台灣人互動的許多小故事。



Last March 31, 2023, a group of Masters in International Business students from the Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA), led by Dr. Eduardo Ong, visited National Taiwan University. PSBA is a privately-owned institution in the Philippines that offers programs exclusively in business education. The main purpose of the visit was for the Filipino delegates to learn about Taiwan economy to identify opportunities to start a business in the said country.

The event was hosted by the Global MBA Program, organized by Filipino Student Andrea Dee (R11), with Lambert Lauengco (R10) and Natasha Li (R10). The program opened with Professor Charles Chang and Professor Leon val Jaarsveldt welcoming the Filipino delegates. GMBA prepared two talks for the Filipino delegates: Lambert Lauengco provided a brief overview of Taiwan Economy, while Filipino GMBA Alumni Jan Mikhail Tiu (R07) shared his work experiences and working relationship with the Taiwanese. After the talks, the GMBA students toured the Filipino delegates around the NTU campus. Indeed, the event was meaningful and was a perfect opportunity to bring more Filipinos to explore business opportunities in Taiwan.