撰文者/會計系一年級任采蓁 、GMBA一年級潘奇庭Keerati Phadungkit
學期才剛開始GMBA辦公室即邀請到新科校友——Watz (Silawan Nawatt) 於9月17日跟學弟妹們分享他在悠遊卡投資控股股份有限公司(也是現代人日常生活中不可或缺的悠遊卡發行公司的母公司)難能可貴的實習經驗。

Watz is sharing his valuable experience with the students 學長與GMBA學生們分享這可貴的經驗
EasyCard Internship sharing
Written by GMBA student Keerati Phadungkit
On September 17th 2020, we received a warm welcome back from Watz (Silawan Nawatt), our GMBA alumni, to promote and share his priceless internship program experience at EasyCard Investment Holding Company Limited (“EasyCard”), the parent company of EasyCard Corporation which developed contactless smartcards for our every use.
The internship program was one of the most incredible experiences during Watz’s GMBA study. EasyCard allowed him to work closely together with top management and gave him a comprehensive and diverse understanding of their business model and its various components. The tasks that he was given covered 3 main areas, namely strategic partner management, industry research, and project proposal.
He highly recommends the internship program with EasyCard and feels that it can provide valuable exposure to working in the real world; it contributes to an endless learning spectrum and is great for developing some useful skills. In sum, the internship program can serve as excellent preparation for a bigger step in your future career, especially if that career is in top management.