【管院交換生接待志工 Buddy Program】110-2管院國際學生線上台灣遊Taiwan Tour


撰文者/金運祺 Yun-Chi Chin


今年的活動主要分為四部分,前兩部分是開場及破冰:首先介紹臺大,透過放映臺大校歌及空拍影片的方式,帶領交換學生領略臺大之美,也讓他們在學期開始之時,對自己的交換學校具備足夠了解。接著進入破冰遊戲的環節,為本次活動暖場,我們進行了兩個小遊戲,分別是在全球都很流行的 Never have I ever,以及簡單又不失趣味的 Lucky number,看著熱情的交換學生大方地參與破冰遊戲,Buddy 們也紛紛加入,玩得不亦樂乎,即使相隔千里,我們仍能感受到交換學生在螢幕後燦爛的微笑。

接著進入到活動的主幹,也就是景點介紹,我們總共分為三組,分別介紹臺灣的北部、南部,以及外島,內容包羅萬象,如區域特色、文史知識,以及旅遊景點等。交換學生們都認真聆聽,並積極參與每個段落最後的有獎徵答。我們也事先購得許多臺灣的明信片作為獎品,透過郵寄的方式,將臺灣的美景呈現在各國交換學生的眼前。最後以 Kahoot 的遊戲進行收尾,我們設計了幾個關於臺灣的問題,邀請交換生來搶答,除了增進他們對臺灣的認識,也為本次活動劃下一個圓滿的句點。

多虧交換學生的熱心參與,這次的活動才能圓滿完成。除此之外,也得感謝所有參與籌辦的 Buddy 們,因為有大家的同心協力,活動籌備變得更成功、活動流程也變得更順暢,也特別感謝 Gina 一路上的支持與指導,使這場迎新活動更趨完善,且意義非凡。


Due to the pandemic, many exchange students were unable to come to Taiwan in person, so this year’s orientation activities were held online. Through these events, exchange students could meet each other online although they couldn’t come. Also, through the introduction of Taiwan, we led exchange students to discover our beautiful country, making up for their regrets of not being able to visit in person and developing international friendships in the meantime. Personnel from NTU College of Management still tried every means to convey our hospitality and enthusiasm through this virtual orientation even though it was impossible to welcome the exchange students in person during the pandemic.

This year’s event was mainly divided into four parts. The first two parts were opening and ice-breaking. First, we introduced National Taiwan University. Through the anthem of NTU and the aerial filming, we led exchange students to appreciate the beauty of our campus, so that they can have a comprehensive understanding of their exchange university at the beginning of the semester. After a brief introduction, we played two games to warm up, which were the world-popular game “never have I ever”, and the simple but interesting one “lucky number”. Exchange students and the buddies actively participated in the ice-breaking games, having a wonderful time. Though we were thousands of miles away, we could still see the bright smiles of the exchange students shining behind the screen.

Afterward, we moved on to the main part of the activity, which was the introduction of Taiwan. The buddies were divided into three groups to introduce the northern, southern, and islands of Taiwan. The content was informative, encompassing regional characteristics, cultural and historical facts, tourist attractions, etc. Exchange students listened attentively, and actively participated in the award-winning sessions at the end of each presentation. We purchased many postcards of Taiwan as prizes in advance, so that we could present the beauty of Taiwan to exchange students from various countries. Finally, we ended the event with a Kahoot game. We designed a few questions about Taiwan and invited exchange students to answer them. In addition to enhancing their understanding of Taiwan, it also marked a successful conclusion to this event.

Thanks to the participation of exchange students, this event was successfully completed. Besides, I would also like to thank all the Buddies involved in organizing the event. Last but not least, special thanks to Gina for her support and guidance along the way, which made this year’s orientation successful and meaningful.