Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition 2024


撰文者/ Masaru Nagatsuka

This opportunity was full of learning experiences. We were able to apply the theories and frameworks learned in the classrooms to our presentations. Feedback from the judges is constructive and inspiring. Particularly we learned from the other teams how to visualize the problem identifications, solutions, and implementation roadmaps. Other teams utilized matrices and charts, which appeared more informative and intuitive than bullet points. We appreciate the Grossman School of Management for introducing Professor Kevin to be our advisor. He is encouraging and offers us great insights, which improved our presentation day by day.


We highly recommend that NTU continues to participate in the competition following years. It is especially beneficial for students studying management, who are seeking managerial positions or consulting careers in the future. The competition provides the participants with not only international exposure but also hands-on consulting experiences. There are many common skills applicable to the College of Management case competition.

One of the few big differences from the CoM competition is that FECC puts more emphasis on family and family business issues in the organization than pure business development. In that respect, this competition is a unique and precious opportunity that allows students to consider the importance of Organizational Behavior and Family Business perspective.


Participating schools (graduate teams)

  1. Babes-Bolyai University, ROMANIA
  2. Babson College, USA
  3. Heilbronn University, GERMANY
  4. Indian School of Business, INDIA
  5. McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, CANADA
  6. National Sun Yat-sen University, TAIWAN
  7. National Taiwan University, TAIWAN
  8. Sasin School of Management, THAILAND
  9. Universidad Francisco Marroquin, GUATEMALA
  10. University of Adelaide Business School, AUSTRALIA
  11. University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business, CANADA
  12. University of Vermont, Grossman School of Business, USA