NTU CoM College-Level Exchange Student Pre-Departure Information Session


撰文者/英文-Panuwat Baikeawon、張艷芬    中文-張凱玲

Every year, NTU College of Management prepares an “Exchange Student Pre-Departure Session” dedicated to outgoing exchange students to equip them with essential information and guidance for their upcoming exchange journey. This year’s session was conducted by Ms. Cola Song, the coordinator of the College-Level Exchange Program.

During the session, students were briefed on their pre-departure essentials before starting their exchange journey, including all necessary procedures, documentation requirements, accommodation arrangements, course selection, and specific procedures related to military service obligations for male students. A checklist of documents was also provided for them to ensure that they will know exactly which documents need to be prepared and brought during the exchange duration. Aside from that, they were also given instructions on certain post-exchange protocols to understand what to do when returning from the exchange. These guidelines include information on credit transfers and grades registration.

From this, the students were able to acquire useful insights in helping them prepare and plan for their exchange program. The session then concluded with a Q&A session, providing students with the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on topics that they may not be certain about. Ms. Sung also helped clarify the necessary guidelines and procedures to ensure that the students have a clear understanding of all the processes.

The College of Management is excited about the new journey of all outgoing exchange students and may their new journey be filled with opportunities, growth, and learning!



