GMBA Marketing Management課程於中華電信總部進行期末報告
台大GMBA的Marketing Management課程在108-2學期首次與中華電信(CHT)合作,無疑將此門課的層級又往上推高一階。任課老師期許同學能以課堂上學到的知識運用在實際的企業個案中,使課程更具實用與啟發性。今年的上半年,儘管COVID-19的疫情帶來各種問題與阻礙,但GMBA仍竭盡全力與台灣最大的電信公司–CHT合作,藉由CHT提出關於拓展國際業務的方向,來挑戰學生的行銷分析與決策能力。

Group photo with CHT 大合照
為了能將業務擴展到海外,CHT正積極對外尋求“電動汽車充電解決方案”和“ e-VAT退款解決方案”的合作契機。目前 CHT正與在北美、加拿大、台灣、日本和歐洲的電動汽車充電之領先製造商【Noodoe】合作,希望藉此將EV充電解決方案帶入新興市場,包含泰國、越南、馬來西亞、印尼等,以實現全球智慧城市與綠能城市的願景。另外,台灣退稅的便利度是眾所周知的好,因此CHT也希望將這套完善的電子退稅解決方案應用到其他國家,以活絡其旅遊觀光和促進在地經濟。 CHT本著相信GMBA學生的能力,想藉由他們高度國際化的特質(GMBA學生來自30多個國家/地區)為CHT打造海外市場, CHT無私地與這群學生分享內部第一手資訊,以及CHT的策略方針,用以激盪出更多火花。 CHT甚至邀請到Noodoe董事長及其高階長官與GMBA學生直接講解計畫的細節。此外,還為外國和本地同學提供工作與實習機會。在最後的演講會議上,所有GMBA學生團隊提出了具有洞察力和關鍵信息的實用營銷計劃,從而可以製定決策。電動汽車充電解決方案的獲勝者是第一組,其成員包括Patty,Mandy,Lucy,Kai和Watz。他們進行了許多研究,並進行了市場調查(N = 53),收集了最終用戶對EV充電的意見,儘管工作時間有限,但他們的工作為CHT在泰國的EV解決方案業務提供了許多見解。電子增值稅退稅解決方案的贏家是第7組,其成員包括Meaw,Chia,Renaud,Kan和Kelvin。他們對泰國的增值稅退稅法規和法律進行了深入研究,從而得出了切實可行的行動計劃。最後,希望在接下來的幾年中繼續這種偉大的合作,以對地方和全球各級的社會產生更積極的影響。
GMBA Marketing Management: Final presentation at CHT headquarter
GMBA has made Marketing Management class of Spring 2020 into another level. Bringing knowledge from the class to apply to real industry cases makes learning process more practical and inspired. In this spring, despite many obstacles from COVID-19 problem, GMBA has made a great effort to bring two real international business projects from Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), the largest telecommunications company in Taiwan, to challenge students of its Marketing Management class.
Trying to expanding its business overseas, CHT is pursuing the businesses for “Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Solution” and “e-VAT Refund Solution” internationally. Collaborating with Noodoe, the leading manufacturer and solution provider of electric vehicle charging solutions in North America, Canada, Taiwan, Japan and Europe, CHT wants to bring the EV charging solution into new markets including Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and others to realize Smart and Green Cities around the world. Also, as it is known that Taiwan VAT refund is among the best in the world, CHT also wants to bring its well-established e-VAT refund solution business to apply in many other countries enriching tourist businesses and economies of the destinations. Believing in GMBA students’ capabilities and expecting to leverage their diversities (GMBA students come from more than 30 different countries) for its oversea businesses, CHT feels confident to share internal information and business strategies to challenge these students. CHT even invited Noodoe Chairman and its own high-rank officers to come to directly explain details of the projects with students at the class. Besides, job and internship opportunities are also provided to foreign and local students.
At the final presentation meetings, all teams of GMBA students came up with practical marketing plans with insight and critical information, which lead to decision making. The winner for the EV Charging Solution was Group 1, which its members include Patty, Mandy, Lucy, Kai and Watz. Their work provides many insights to CHT for EV solution business in Thailand as they did many researches and carried a marketing survey (N=53) to collect end users’ opinions on EV charging despite limitation of working time. The winner for the e-VAT refund solution is Group 7, which its members include Meaw, Chia, Renaud, Kan and Kelvin. They did deep research into Thailand’s regulations and laws on VAT refund that lead to great story line with practical and realistic action plans. Finally, it is hoped that this great collaboration will be continued in the following years to create more positive impact for societies in local and global levels.
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Group 1’s members receiving the winning prize from President Wu 獲得首獎的組別與CHT董事長合照 | Group 7’s members with the winning prize 第七組也是大贏家 |