GMBA 2020熱力迎新暨課前培訓系列活動圓滿落幕


撰文者/ GMBA二年級 邱卉綝


A group photo of GMBA faculty and students 管院GMBA迎新暨課前培訓活動大合照 Through team building activities, new students break the ice and start discussing over different group assignments 新生透過team building認識彼此並建立團隊默契

GMBA學生具備多元的國際與產業背景,Team Building與個案研討的安排促進新生彼此間的交流,同時也發展團隊間的合作默契,並提前體驗多元的授課方式,以及掌握課程學習的技巧。

GMBA執行長許文馨教授除了介紹學程的沿革、特色外,他也勉勵同學要善用台大豐沛的資源,並以國際思維展望未來。現場也請同學提筆寫下兩年後對自己的期許,並交由GMBA辦公室妥善保存,未來同學參加畢業典禮時將一一領回,希望屆時回首今日寫下的字句會有滿滿的感動。最後則由GMBA校友 Neesha Wolf帶領Open Space活動,讓同學與二年級在學生包含校友一起討論各式議題,一天的活動就在這熱絡與充實的節奏中圓滿落幕!

GMBA New Student Orientation Event – Beginning of a New Adventure

By GMBA second year Lina Qiu

To welcome the new 15th batch of “GMBAers”, and in preparation for the coming Fall semester, GMBA office held an orientation event last weekend (2020,09,13). The orientation event is aimed to facilitate the networking between GMBAers. And simultaneously, this event also allows the new students to have a better understanding of the GMBA program. Due to COVID-19, there were students joining remotely as well, which is a first for this event. Regardless, everyone participating the event can still feel the enthusiastic atmosphere and passion from all the participants. We, as one big GMBA family, gathered around last weekend to welcome everyone, new and existing, past and future for a promising and exciting year ahead.

It was a whole day event with plenty of activities arranged, including team building, case study, open spaces and so forth. During these activities, new GMBAers from diverse culture and industrial background interacted meaningfully with each other. The orientation not only helped to build up team chemistry but also provided students with the chance to “pre-experience” the richness on course arrangements and innovative teaching methods. Furthermore, the experience sharing of current students and alumni also helped new students to cultivate the learning skills toward future GMBA courses.

Director of GMBA, Audrey Hsu, introduced the development of GMBA program. She encouraged students to explore new opportunities with international perspectives. She also advised new grade students to take advantage of the rich resources of NTU during their graduate program. In the end, new GMBAers wrote down future letters to address the expectations on themselves two-years later. It was a day full of joy and was the beginning of an exhilarating adventure!

The facilitator shared tips to students about their assignment 老師在上課過程中不斷從旁協助同學 Students were reading their first case during case study session 學生們很認真在做他們的第一個個案研討
GMBA Director, Prof. Audrey Hsu, gave inspiring speech in welcoming new students 執行長許文馨老師在致詞中熱烈歡迎新生加入GMBA大家庭 A group photo of new GMBAers GMBA新生的大合照