GMBA職涯輔導 (IMP)公司深度參訪


撰文者/GMBA 一年級蔡惠盈Hooi Ying Chua

2020年12月17日GMBA職涯輔導 (IMP)再次深度參訪兩間公司。這次安排參訪的兩間公司位於信義區:采妍國際股份有限公司 (TCY Cosmetics Co. Ltd)和網訊電通股份有限公司 (Telexpress Corporation)。一行20人一同前往參訪,包括GMBA執行長許文馨老師、IMP的導師張佳欽教授、鄭名道教授、GMBA 的Leon教授, GMBA辦公室的陳依瑾助教,與10多位GMBA學生及畢業生。

TCY’s heart-warming welcome gifts采妍國際致贈暖心的歡迎禮 Group photo at TCY在采妍國際的大合照

在這參訪的介紹簡報中,采妍國際分享了他們20年來的創業過程,理念和公司文化,也為我們展示各個產品並回答同學們的問題。采妍國際是一家最初以彩妝切入女性市場的公司, 2002年 成立 SUKI品牌並且進入網路平臺銷售。爾後陸續推出保養產品,且此項業務不但在中國取得空前成功,也把市場擴展到日本,新加坡和馬來西亞。2013年,采妍國際不僅推出女性運動服裝 Mollifix ,他們也成功拿下多個國際品牌的代理權,如PENELOPI MOON JUNOA 月光皂。2016年的采妍國際取得24個代理權成功打進大中華市場。除了研發自家或代理他人的產品,采妍國際也開始經營自己的網路銷售平臺 “好日子” ,並積極參與各個國外美妝展以進軍其他國外市場。結束采妍國際的參訪後,我們動身前往下一間公司——網訊電通股份有限公司。

在網訊電通股份有限公司員工的熱烈歡迎之下,我們開始了一系列的參訪。 首先,我們一同聆聽網訊電通的簡報,內容包括介紹網訊電通的公司組織與顧客群。網訊成立於2011年,是一家提供客戶服務的公司。網訊的客戶群橫跨4大鄰域,包括資訊科技業 (如:微軟)、金融服務業 (如:花旗銀行)、消費零售業(如:肯德基)以及健康美妝業(如:理膚寶水)。由於網訊電通客戶群的資料消息都是機密,所以各個員工都以服務的顧客為分組依據,並且遵守各組之間不應有其他非必要的聯繫,以防洩漏顧客的機密。聽完簡報後,執行長Shepherd Chen先生還帶領我們參觀公司,以便加以說明網訊電通的運作模式,讓我們對這個行業大開眼界。由於科技的日新月異,網訊電通也在積極提升公司的技術,利用人工智慧提高客服滿意度和提高員工的效率。2020年,網訊電通更在新加坡成立負責南亞區域的總部。



MBA arranged company Visits to TCY and Telexpress

Written by GMBA student Hooi Ying Chu

IMP proudly presented 2nd company visit trip for GMBA students on 17th Dec to TCY and Telexpress. With the participation around 20 of us departed to TCY in the afternoon.

TCY is a company started in the year 2000 on selling cosmetics products via online platforms and collaboration with other retail platforms.  The company then expanded the product line by launching an in-house brand, SUKI. After 5 years, TCY expanded the market to China and launched the brand in Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Next, TCY launched its’ very own activewear brand, Mollifix, in the year 2013, they also got distribution right for other world brand products in China and expanded into the Southeast Asia Market.  Their products are currently selling on their developed platform – “Howday”.  All of us got to know the history and company culture from the sharing by the TCY team.

After the visit in TCY, we proceeded to the 2nd company of this trip, Telexpress.  Telexpress was started in the year 2001 as a customer services provider. Its’ customer base has expanded across few industries, including technology (ie. Line etc), banking industry (ie. Citibank), retail industry (ie. KFC), and FMCG industry (ie. P&G).  The employees are teamed according to the customers they serve.  Due to private and confidential information that each team would handle, all the teams must be segregated to prevent leakage of information.  We were all amazed by the segregation of the teams during the company tour led by the company CEO Mr. Shepherd Chen.  With the development of technology, Telexpress also consistently upgrades its’ system in customer services, including AI to increase the quality and efficiency for the customers and increase the productivity of the teams at the same time.  In 2020, Telexpress also set up a regional office in Singapore to serve the South Asia region.

These 2 companies have once again shown us 2 successful business stories of Taiwan companies with expansion to the world’s market. We are so proud of them.  We sincerely appreciate their insight sharing to expand our horizon further into 2 different industries that we seldom in-touch with within our daily life.

Telexpress’s CEO welcomed us warmly with a brief presentation 網訊電通的CEO熱情地用簡報歡迎我們的參訪 Group photo at Telexpress 在網訊電通的大合照