美國喬治亞理工學院 Prof. Han Zhang 專題演講
台大資訊管理學系於2024年1月8日,邀請喬治亞理工學院謝勒商學院資訊科技管理學系(Department of Information Technology Management, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology) Prof. Han Zhang蒞校演講。
台大資訊管理學系於2024年1月8日,邀請喬治亞理工學院謝勒商學院資訊科技管理學系(Department of Information Technology Management, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology) Prof. Han Zhang蒞校演講。

2024 Business Analysis and Accounting Workshop:Kyoto University of Advanced Science_ Prof. Yoshihiro Tokuga
臺大會計系於3月18日、19日兩天邀請日本交流團參與「2024 Business Analysis and Accounting Workshop」。第二天非常榮幸由Kyoto University of Advanced Science的Yoshihiro Tokuga老師就其長年對京都企業的觀察與研究...
臺大會計系於3月18日、19日兩天邀請日本交流團參與「2024 Business Analysis and Accounting Workshop」。第二天非常榮幸由Kyoto University of Advanced Science的Yoshihiro Tokuga老師就其長年對京都企業的觀察與研究...

會計系專題演講紀實:The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology _ Prof. Allen Huang
臺大會計系於3月1日舉辦本學期第一次Workshop,非常榮幸邀請到The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology的Allen Huang老師發表他的最新研究:Lenders’ Soft Information Acquisition and Loan Contracting。
臺大會計系於3月1日舉辦本學期第一次Workshop,非常榮幸邀請到The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology的Allen Huang老師發表他的最新研究:Lenders’ Soft Information Acquisition and Loan Contracting。

2024 CUHK Short-term Visit to College of Management, NTU
From March 4 to 8, 2024, National Taiwan University had the pleasure of hosting a short-term program on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Sustainability tailored for students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
From March 4 to 8, 2024, National Taiwan University had the pleasure of hosting a short-term program on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Sustainability tailored for students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

NTU CoM College-Level Exchange Student Pre-Departure Information Session
Every year, NTU College of Management prepares an “Exchange Student Pre-Departure Session” dedicated to outgoing exchange students to equip them with essential information and guidance for their upcoming exchange journey.
Every year, NTU College of Management prepares an “Exchange Student Pre-Departure Session” dedicated to outgoing exchange students to equip them with essential information and guidance for their upcoming exchange journey.

Emlyon business school雖然中文名字叫里昂,但其實有很多不同城市的校區,而大學部所在的校區是在聖埃蒂安這個小城鎮上。
Emlyon business school雖然中文名字叫里昂,但其實有很多不同城市的校區,而大學部所在的校區是在聖埃蒂安這個小城鎮上。


臺大傑出導師的故事-資訊管理學系魏志平特聘教授 關心他人、找到自己、欣賞所擁有的

臺大EMBA 102級校友返校活動 分享十年不變的同窗情誼
EMBA 辦公室

【GMBA】Exploring Social Commerce: Bridging Theory and Practice with HALEON
The world of marketing is a fast-paced one where social media meets with commerce at breakneck speed, and brands are vying to gain the attention of netizens.
The world of marketing is a fast-paced one where social media meets with commerce at breakneck speed, and brands are vying to gain the attention of netizens.