GMBA萬聖節之夜: 卯足全力的驚奇裝扮
撰文者/ GMBA陳依瑾、二年級郭家驊
正當每個人都卯足全力把自己的最棒最厲害的行頭穿戴在身上的時候,二年級的岡田善仁(Zen Okada)以他妻子的一襲方格紅裙,加上頭戴金髮與畫著血痕的驚奇裝束打敗全場脫穎而出。而一年級的姚文山(Walt Yao)身著飄逸的阿拉丁神燈的裝扮,與同為一年級的紀涵(Clare Chi)身著豔紅且剪裁合身的旗袍,分居第二和第三名。
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Halloween Night 2020 at Carnegie’s
Written by GMBA student Vanessa Kwok
We’re almost halfway into the semester and what better way to cool off before mid-terms than a costume party? This Halloween, more than 60 GMBAers and our friends from EiMBA joined us for a night full of food, drinks and games all decked in their favorite character costumes. We loved how everyone took the time to put together make up and outfits.
While everyone brought their A-game for the best dressed award – Zen Okada from Year 2 came out tops with his (wife’s) chequered red dress, complete with a bobbed wig and bloody paint scars.
We had Year 1’s Walt Yao in his billowing genie lamp costume and Clare Chi in her bright red cheongsam coming in second and third respectively.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the vote and congrats to our winners who walked away with Starbucks gift cards! Well- deserved!
Other honourable mentions include the Sailor Moon and Pac Man team.
Also, a special shout out to the Student Council for putting together this event!
See you next Halloween!
今年的萬聖節變裝達人 The 3 winners from this year’s Halloween party | GMBA的美少女戰士 The Sailor Moon from GMBA |