


2024年8月29日,臺大管理學院為國際學生舉辦了一場迎新活動。從協助註冊到發放文件,我們幫助交換學生為他們在臺大的旅程踏出了第一步。我負責在報到桌的工作,看到國際學生來簽到時臉上洋溢著的興奮與期待,也從他們獨具風格的穿著中感受到了不同國家的文化特色。註冊完成後,國際生接待志工準備了互動遊戲與校園介紹,不僅讓交換學生對臺大管院有了更深入的了解,也促進了他們之間的交流與互動。最後,我們帶領交換生進行了校園導覽,並在此過程中向我配對的 Buddy 打了招呼,與他分享了我在附近常去的午餐好去處。這次活動讓我受益匪淺,與交換學生進行了有意義的文化交流,也希望他們能在臺大度過一個充實的新學期!



Fall 2024 NTU CoM Exchange Student Orientation

On August 29, 2024, the College of Management held an orientation for international students. From assisting with registration to distributing documents, we helped exchange students take their first steps on their journey at NTU. I was responsible for the check-in desk, and I could see the excitement on the faces of the international students as they signed in. Their unique styles of dress also gave me a glimpse of different international cultures. After registration, the student volunteers organized interactive games and a campus introduction, helping the exchange students get to know the College of Management and each other better. Finally, we led the exchange students on a campus tour around the College of Management. I also took this opportunity to greet my paired Buddy and share with them my favorite lunch spots nearby. This event was incredibly rewarding for me, as I was able to engage in cultural exchange with the exchange students. I hope they will have a fulfilling new semester at NTU!