109-2 學期GMBA實習與專題課程說明會:Global Management Forum (GMF) Practice of Managerial Planning & Organization (PMPO)
撰文者/GMBA陳依瑾、二年級孔凱尉Kevan J. Karstunen
即使是聖誕夜前夕,依然有不少認真的GMBA學生出席聆聽今天由張佳欽及鄭名道兩位教授主講的課程說明會。這次的說明會是關於下學期即將開設的兩門實習與專題課程GMF(Global Management Forum)及PMPO(Practice of Managerial Planning & Organization),為讓出席學生更了解這兩門課所帶來的收穫,授課老師特別邀請兩位GMBA畢業校友/在學生:Miko Tiu及Thao Vu和大家分享他們上學期參與實習和專題課程的寶貴經驗。張佳欽教授表示,下學期選修GMF或是PMPO課程的學生,將有機會優先錄取中華電信、Baypay、LeadBest所提供的九個實習名額。
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張佳欽教授簡短介紹GMF的課程架構 Professor Charles gives a brief introduction to the GMF course | 鄭名道教授與學生分享PMPO的課程內容 Professor Ming Daw introduces the content of the PMPO course |
此外,GMF這門課會著重在OGSM的傳授,在教學過程中逐步建構學生對OGSM的了解,讓修課的學生更加熟稔這套被許多國際領導企業,如可口可樂、本田汽車以及BLM(Business Leaders Model)等所採用的經營策略。除此之外,課程也將與YCM公司合作,進行有關黴菌防治諮詢的專案研究計畫,帶領修課學生在學期中參訪YCM的總部,實地了解公司的經營方向。
Course Info sessions about Global Management Forum (GMF) and Practice of Managerial Planning & Organization (PMPO)
Written By GMBA student Kevan J. Karstunen
During the afternoon of Christmas Eve we were graced by the informative GMF (Global Management Forum) and PMPO (Practice of Managerial Planning & Organization) course introductions by professor Charles Chang and Dr. MD Cheng. Additionally, we were also fortunate to have two students, Miko Tiu and Thao Vu, come to share their internship experiences with us. Thus, bringing us to a key opportunity granted to those who take either the GMF or PMPO classes, an internship. By taking one of these courses, students will be given application priority for 1 of 9 potential internship spots with one of the following companies: Chunghwa Telecom, BayPay, and LeadBest.
Coming back to the subject at hand, the course contents are as follows. Firstly, the Global Management Forum course will focus heavily on the OGSM (objectives, goals, strategies & measures) framework, as popularized in many world leading companies, such as Coca-Cola and Honda for example, as well as the BLM (Business Leaders Model). Additionally, there will be a course project working with the company YCM (Yeong Chin Machinery Industries Co.) regarding mold solutions consultation. Students will get to visit their HQ twice throughout the semester.
Moving on, the PMPO course is all about planning, organization structure, and soft skills at the workplace. These topics, although relatively straightforward sounding on the surface, will be explored in such a depth that will leave you knowledgeable on both the employee and employer perspectives. If you’re currently, or in the future will be, looking for a job then this class is perfect for you. You’ll learn the expert tips, tricks and industry knowledge related to interviewing and soft skills that you need to land that dream job. Additionally, there will be a course project working with Chunghwa Telecom where students will get to visit both the YangMing Shan HQ and the Taiwan to USA underwater fiberoptic cable terminal location!
Taken from the expert opinion of Dr. Chang, please do not take both of these courses at once. The work load is more than your average elective class and in order to get the most out of your experience, you’ll want to allocate extra time for project work. Divulging your passion, commitment and ingenuity in either of these two classes could very well lead to a life changing experience.
To top off the fruitfulness of the afternoon, meal boxes were served and little gifts were given for those who asked questions! What better way to spend a lunch hour?
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學生們聚精會神地聆聽課程內容 Students listening closely to the course introduction | 大合照 Group Photo |