非洲市場經驗談: EMBA校友李連輝的客座講演
撰文者/GMBA一年級Kitty Chow
10月23日GMBA很榮幸邀請到在非洲市場深耕數十年的客座講者——Jasper Lee先生來到「商業溝通」的課堂上,與學生們分享他過往在非洲的工作經驗。

Mr. Jasper Lee was sharing his experience on African market with GMBA students. Jasper Lee先生在台上與GMBA學生們分享他的非洲市場工作經驗。
Jasper Lee先生一開始是專注於拓展公司在西非的貿易出口市場,當時設定的目標是希望成為足以影響市場供給面的鈕扣最大出口商。由於非洲市場的消費者非常受低價所吸引,因此企業每每在銷售服飾、皮包原料、二手物品(如飾品、襪子、車子等)時,若能將價格壓到最低,就越能擁有市場優勢。儘管非洲市場的生態是如此,他還是提醒學生「維持商品的質量」對於企業能否永續經營是非常重要的關鍵。
GMBA Guest Speaker session: African Markets Sharing
Written by GMBA student Kitty Chow
A guest speaker Mr. Jasper Lee was invited to share his experience of doing businesses in African markets in the Business Communications class on 23rd Oct 2020.
Jasper is a NTU EMBA alumnus and was the former president of the GREAT GREEN INTERNATIONAL CORP.. Jasper generously shared his abundant experiences of being a businessman and explorer for 30 years, soaking up culture, studying history, searching for humanity, and enjoying anecdotes in Africa.
Jasper focused on building his exporting business in the West Africa market, as the largest button exporter who had the bargaining power in controlling the supply chain. He shared consumers in Africa market are highly price-driven, thus businesses selling garment accessories, raw materials for producing bags, second-hand goods such as garments, socks and cars in cheap price have high potential. While he reminded not to give up quality of products since it is still a key factor to keep the business running.
In addition, Jasper emphasized the most important factor of starting a business is ‘trust’, especially if you want to succeed in the Africa market. African customers put ‘reputation’ and ‘connection’ in high priority when doing businesses. Therefore, much effort is needed in building up relationships with the local importers, getting to know their businesses conditions and learning how reliable they are, at the same time, present to them how trust-worthy you are as a business partner.
During Q&A session, students showed their interest in knowing more of Jasper’s tips for successful business operation. Jasper encouraged GMBA students to establish their businesses before 40, since it is essential to be ambitious and allow room for failures. Besides, there would be sufficient time for business starters to accumulate experiences and knowledges, thus, to improve and keep trying.