社會價值國際研討會2019: 社會價值走向主流
撰文者/GMBA 陳依瑾、二年級金石雨本
台大管理學院Global MBA學生會於2019年12月4-5日與台灣社會影響力研究院(Social Value Taiwan)和社會價值國際(Social Value International)聯合舉辦了2019年社會價值國際研討會。

與會人士大合照_Group photo with Minister Audrey Tang and people from Social Value Thailand.
由Global MBA執行長許文馨教授帶領的台大管院教授,包括Global MBA的葛明伊教授、薛喬仁教授,與工管系的余峻瑜教授一同參加會議,會中與行政院政務委員唐鳳和來自泰國的社會價值小組交換意見,並合影留念。一群熱衷社會價值與影響力的Global MBA學生,這次也以志工身分參與會議,並提供現場中英文翻譯。
The Social Value International Conference 2019 – Taipei
Social Value Matters: GOING MAINSTREAM
On 4th – 5th December 2019, GMBA Student Council worked with Social Value Taiwan and Social Value International as a Co-Organizer to host the Social Value International Conference 2019.
This year, 2019, the Social Value International Conference was held in Asia for the first time. Taiwan became the first place to hold the Conference in Asia reflecting the country is thriving for the Business Philosophy of pursuing POSITIVE SOCIAL IMPACT. The conference addressed 3 main topics including Impact Measurement, Impact Management and Impact Investment. There were as many as 80 speakers from domestic and abroad.
GMBA Director Prof. Audrey Hsu, Prof. Miriam Garvi, Prof. Jiun-Yu Yu and Prof. Joe Hsueh participated the Conference. We met Minister Audrey Tang and Social Value Thailand Group and had a photo together.
Our GMBA students also participated and contributed to the conference as volunteers to helped to translate between English and Chinese for other attendances.
We hope our support will be one initiative force to drive the business philosophy of Social Impact to become a mainstream in the future for the goodness of our society and the world.
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GMBA學生會協辦2019年社會價值國際研討會_GMBA students participated the Social Value International Conference 2019 as co-organizer, volunteer and active learner. | 與講者熱烈討論_Discussion among invited speakers during the conference. |