溫馨感人的GMBA Unity Ball 2020圓滿落幕



2020年的混亂開端為我們的社會設下了許多新的規範,例如維持社交距離和養成隨時隨地消毒的習慣。儘管如此,我們仍非常高興今年的Unity Ball可以順利舉辦,因為這是GMBA一年一度的大型活動,目的是讓分散各地的GMBA家人們能齊聚一堂。 7月20日這一天,教授、校友、新生和在校學生紛紛由四面八方來到台北萬豪酒店,一起慶祝過去一年大家努力的成果與各種美好的回憶。今年的活動主題是「變革的推動者」,適切反映出在今年這個動盪的時期,適應力和領導變革的重要性。

That’s a wrap from Unity Ball 2020 Unity Ball 2020大合照

本屆Unity Ball是由中華電信獨家贊助,不少GMBA學生在本學期的Marketing Management課程已與他們有過合作經驗,相信對中華電信一點都不陌生。而今年的Unity Ball也很榮幸能獲得他們的贊助,在此要再次感謝中華電信對GMBA的大力支持。此外,我們也感謝所有的朋友、校友以及包括GMBA學生會成員的所有工作人員,謝謝您們為這一次活動能順利舉辦所做出的付出!





活動結束前的大合照是GMBA每年的傳統,象徵著大家團結一條心。最後,由衷感謝所有到場的GMBA家人、其他協力贊助廠商,還有中華電信,因為你們的支持和參與,GMBA Unity Ball 2020才能如此圓滿落幕。我們期待未來Unity Ball能愈辦愈盛大、愈辦愈精彩。謝謝大家,我們明年見!





Special thanks to Marriott for providing stunning venue, Garden Villa, to host our NTU GMBA Unity Ball event  特別感謝萬豪酒店提供別緻的場地讓我們舉辦台大GMBA Unity Ball

Unity Ball 2020: Agents of Change

With a disruptive start to 2020 that resulted in new norms of social distancing and sanitize-everywhere-you-go, we were thrilled to go through with Unity Ball 2020, our very own annual event to bring the GMBA family together. On 20th July, professors, staff, alumni, new and current students gathered at Marriott Hotel Taipei to celebrate the accomplishments and memories for the past year. Our theme for this year is Agents of Change, reflecting the importance of being adaptable and equipped to lead change in these tumultuous times.

Unity Ball 2020 is proudly sponsored by CHT Telecommunications, whom many of us has worked with this semester for our Marketing Management class. The event would not have been possible without their generous sponsorship, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them once again. We are also grateful for the friends, alumni, staff who contributed to make this event a great one!

The night kicked off after a frenzy of photobooth snaps and free-flow wine, with Dean Hu and GMBA Director Professor Audrey Hsu addressing new and current students on their achievements thus far and Professor James Hsieh’s stirring speech, imparting nuggets of wisdom to embrace change in today’s context.

Next, we took the time to recognise students from the Class of 2020 and 2021 for their academic excellence, team contributions, and other fun awards – as nominated by GMBAers. It was a close fight for the title of GMBA Overachiever and Group MVP, while we had clear winners for others like Best Speaker and Best Dressed.

In between the introductions, catch ups and toasts among guests, we eased into the lucky draw segment filled with a huge variety of exciting prizes. We are pleased to announce that almost half our attendees walked away feeling very lucky – all thanks to our generous sponsors!

The draw ended with a bang, where GMBAers celebrated newly-engaged first years Samuel and Haesol’s wedding proposal, we are glad to be part of such a meaningful event and wish the lovebirds our very best.

As the night ended, we huddled together for a customary group shot. Thank you to everyone who joined us, our hope for future Unity Ball events is to be bigger and better. Until next year!

Our Sponsors:

Special thanks to our sponsors in their love and support to our NTU GMBA 2020 Unity Ball event. We would like to thank CHT Telecommunications for their big sponsorship as well. For more information about CHT, you are welcome to visit their websites.



Guests mingling in the reception area 來賓在接待區熱情寒暄 Guests socialising in the hall throughout the event  會場中大家熱切交流
Professor Audrey Hsu toasting to the GMBA family許文馨老師接受校友敬酒 Professor James Hsieh on his speech about adapting to change 謝源宏教授上台演講
Samuel making an entrance with his entourage 求婚儀式上場 Getting down on one knee for the big moment 浪漫的求婚
Silawan Nawattz and Barry Su, our GMBA Overachievers Silawan Nawattz 與Barry Su 是GMBA好學生獎得主 Peter Lee and Jon Eckstein, winners of Most Likely to Make your Day Peter Lee 和Jon Eckstein是GMBA歡樂製造獎得主
A toast from Student Council 2020 學生會代表敬酒 Many thanks to our sponsors 感謝贊助廠商