一起聚一聚吧!GMBA 的傳統迎新熱炒趴
撰文者/會計系一年級任采蓁、GMBA一年級Kitty Chow周敬藍

Group photo of the event. 活動大合照。
晚餐結束前,所有的人一起拍大合照,大家的臉上自然流露出歡樂的神情,代表著新生們首次參與的活動圓滿成功,同時也宣告GMBA 2022級充滿冒險且啟發人心的旅程正式開始!
Get-together! Dinner after GMBA class of 2022 Orientation
After a fruitful Orientation day for new-GMBAers on 13 Sep 2020, a dinner gathering organised by the GMBA Student Council followed. Students from new and previous batches continued to get to know each other better at ‘享你好酒不見’ restaurant, which served authentic Chinese cuisine.
Around 30 new students enjoyed the dinner with chilling atmosphere. Not only they were energised by delicious stir-fried hot food after a whole day of activities, but also be inspired by batchmates’ sharing, regarding their backgrounds, work & life experiences and plans. It was a precious occasion for new-GMBAers to communicate and interact with new friends from around the world. Indeed, a great start to strengthen peers’ bonding.
Group photo was nicely captured to end the dinner. This also marked the beginning of an adventurous and inspirational journey for the GMBA Class of 2022!