

撰文者/ GMBA三年級谷柔蘭、周岐原




今年的比賽,台大GMBA龍舟隊感受到的挑戰尤其強烈,因為兩隻全台灣最強的男子隊伍,不巧都與我們分在同組,盡管如此,有21世紀不動產總裁親自在旁加油的台大GMBA龍舟隊,仍然用他們同心協力的態度,完成一場贏得眾人敬重的比賽。當結果底定,台大GMBA龍舟隊員和熱烈喝采的支持者們不禁都歡呼起來,因為他們奮力完成了GMBA大家庭一開始為自己設下的目標。賽後,台大GMBA執行長陳家麟教授還完成以額頭敲破西瓜的歡慶儀式,來象徵台大GMBA龍舟隊的端午任務圓滿完成!其他關於贊助企業的資訊,請至企業官網查詢 還有


Experiencing Taipei Dragon Boat Festival

June 7th dawned hot, humid, and brimming with potential for the more than 200 teams set to race in Taipei’s annual Dragon Boat Festival races. In their midst was National Taiwan University’s own Global MBA team, ready for another year in the water, this time competing in the All Men’s Standard Boat field. The team was able to train for weeks before the big day, thanks in great part to generous sponsorship by both Transcend and CENTURY 21 Taiwan. This year’s crew included returning members from last year as well as a batch of newcomers, who set their minds and bodies to the task of learning the ins and outs of dragon boating from scratch.

While many teams aim to paddle their way to glory, GMBA’s own team focuses more on team-building and experiencing this one-of-a-kind event here in beautiful Taiwan. Many GMBA students come from other countries, and the races are the first time they have seen real dragon boats. It is a real thrill to paddle in the races, surrounded by cheering crowds who have come from all over the world to urge on the competitors.

This year, the GMBA team found itself in a tough heat. The race included two of the top teams in the overall races, against which the GMBA team finished with a respectable time. The GMBA family, joined by the president of CENTURY 21 Taiwan, watched from the side-lines, pushing the team on. When all was said and done, the paddlers and excited supporters felt that they had succeeded in what they had set out to do and celebrated in style. Setting the tone for the afternoon’s revelry, GMBA Director Charlie Chen ceremoniously smashed a huge Taiwan watermelon with his head and congratulated the team on a job well done!

For more information about our GMBA Dragon Boat sponsors please visit: and